Thursday, July 10, 2008


Oleh : Tun Telanai
Assalamu'alaikum wm.wrt,

Mari kita berfikir bersama-sama, adakah Najib mempnyai sifat-sifat seorang pemerintahan Islam?

Pemerintah menurut Islam bukanlah hanya sekadar memegang teraju pemerintahan dan melaksanakan menurut kemahuan sendiri, melakukan sesuatu dan memerintah dengan sewenang-wenang sahaja tetapi memikul kewajipan yang besar dan tanggungjawab yang berat. Untuk mengetahui sifat dan tanda-tanda sesuatu pemerintahan Islam ialah berpandukan kepada apa yang difirmankan oleh Allah SWT yang bermaksud:

"Orang-orang yang apabila telah Kami berikan kedudukan yang kukuh di atas muka bumi, mereka mendirikan sembahyang, memberi zakat, dan mereka menyuruh berbuat yang makruf dan mencegah yang mungkar dan kepada Allah jua akibat segala urusan."

Ayat ini menyatakan perkara-perkara yang mesti dilakukan oleh pemerintahan Islam.
1. Mendirikan sembahyang. Iaitu melakukan hubungan yang kuat di antara masyarakat Islam dengan Allah SWT.

2. Memberi zakat. dengannya diberi perhatian kepada masalah ekonomi dan pembahagiannya yang adil.

3. Menyeru kepada yang makruf. menyebarkan kebaikan dan melakukan islah dalam masyarakat.

4. Mencegah kemungkaran. memerangi segala bentuk kejahatan. penyelewengan, kezaliman dan maksiat.

Pemerintah yang begitu rupa memerlukan orang yang benar-benar layak, adil dan soleh, mempunyai persediaan ilmu, amal dan peribadi yang mulia.

Kalau begitulah sifatnya pemerintahan Islam dan pendokongnya, maka tiada alasan yang munasabah kepada mereka yang takut kepada wujudnya Negara Islam tulin melainkan orang-orang yang zalim dan fasik.


Sekian. Wallahu'alam dan terima kasih.


Anonymous said...

The truth hurts.

The Chinese or the yellow race is what brings progress. Just look at Asia……….is enough.

Whether they do it internationally or locally they will survive.

We can distinctly see the lowering of Malaysia standards of living as the percentage of Chinese in this country goes down.

In the 70s we were tops with 40 over percent of Chinese and today with only 25 percent we are far behind Singapore, Hong Kong and Korea.

Main reason is the number of such Chinese migrating to these countries - the best ones and rich ones.

Next ten years as the percentage goes even lower, we would be nearing Indonesia or Philippines.

Meanwhile enjoy your stay and the good time.

On the whole as the Chinese spreads out throughout the world, the average standards of these will have much higher standards of living over others.

Anonymous said...


The truth hurts.

The Chinese or the yellow race is what brings progress. Just look at Asia……….is enough.

Whether they do it internationally or locally they will survive.

We can distinctly see the lowering of Malaysia standards of living as the percentage of Chinese in this country goes down.

In the 70s we were tops with 40 over percent of Chinese and today with only 25 percent we are far behind Singapore, Hong Kong and Korea.

Main reason is the number of such Chinese migrating to these countries - the best ones and rich ones.

Next ten years as the percentage goes even lower, we would be nearing Indonesia or Philippines.

Meanwhile enjoy your stay and the good time.

On the whole as the Chinese spreads out throughout the world, the average standards of these will have much higher standards of living over others.

We are reminding Najib and Mahathir about this, that Malaysia is not an Islamic state and it is not in a social contract.

Malay Sakai, so please tell Badawi about it. Umno has always threatened the non-malays with riots and chaos. Nobody in Malaysia has started riots and chaos except for Umno.

Umno has a deep rooted tradition of starting riots and chaos when every time they can't debate sensibly.

The social contract is there alright and many do not question it. But is the social contract followed according to the spirit or hijacked to the benefit of a few?

Just look at the number of huge projects that has failed is proof enough. Yet these are treated like normal - part of everyday happening.


All the social contract talk does not hold any water, when you have people in power, namely Umno abusing their power. In fact, they are indirectly telling you, that they have the right to abuse the power. Is this fair? Of course it is unfair. You don't even need a social contract to tell you whether it is fair or not.

Social contract didn't say that Malaysia is an Islamic state. On the contrary the social contract expressly stated that Malaysia was and is not an Islamic state.

Now the deliberate misinterpretation, apparently accepted by Umno, is that Malaysia (including Sabah and Sarawak) is an Islamic state!

Sabah and Sarawak would never have joined Malaysia if they had known that Malaysia will be deemed an Islamic state.

If the social contract meant that the non-malays would merely exchange the British masters for the malay masters, they would never have agreed to join the malays for independence.

What is the difference of having the British lording over the non-malays and having the malays doing the same to the non-malays! Probably worse. At least the British had some respect for fairness while the malays have none!

So to get independence, the malays needed the non-malays. Without the non-malays agreement, the British would not have granted independence. So, is that not also part of the social contract? It is not a one-sided malay right. The malays would not be where they are without the non-malays.

To me, Ketuanan Melayu is the false notion of malay greatness or malay supremacy. Truth is - there is nothing to associate the malay race with greatness.

By any widely accepted standards, it will be obvious to see that the malay race does not qualify to be called one of the great races on this world. Truth is that the Chinese and Indians have a culture accomplished far greater and much more than these jokers have.

It should be Chinese and Indian supremacy in Malaysia. The only reason why malays have power in Malaysia is because they have the biggest population, and the racist rhetoric of the malay Umno politicians always sway the malay vote towards themselves.

Anyway, back to the untrue notion of Ketuanan Melayu. Let us see what malays have accomplished. Has any malay won the Nobel Prize - no. Has any malay been nominated for the Nobel Prize - most probably not.

By contrast, numerous Chinese and Indians have won the Nobel Prize and various other awards. The Chinese and Indian diaspora is widely recognized as two of the three most successful diasporas in history, the other being the Jewish diaspora. All over the world, Chinese and Indians have become successful artists, CEOs, doctors, filmmakers, scientists, writers, etc, etc.

Name one malay who is widely recognized around the world in his or her field. The only malay whose name might be recognized out of this country is Mahathir, and he is part Indian. Is malay culture recognized as a world renowned culture - no.

Malay culture, if cultures were ranked, would be close to the bottom. What is their culture compared to the great Chinese and Indian cultures that are centuries old and really rich! The Chinese and Indians have a 5000 years old history during which China and India have played a very important part in world history.

Nobody knew about malays until the Indian kings of south India first came here. That is why the oldest archeological remains in Malaysia, in Lembah Bujang, are Hindu temples.

The malay sultanate itself was started by a Hindu - Parameswara. And even at the height of its power, the Malacca sultanate was nothing more than a vassal of the Chinese emperor.

Have any malay architect designed anything worthwhile - no. Have any malay author won the Booker Prize or the Pulitzer Prize - no. Have any malay filmmaker won an Oscar - no. Have the malays achieved anything in sports - no.

Chinese and Indians have achieved all this. So there is no real Ketuanan Melayu. It is a fiction concocted by racist stupid politicians to keep the "kampung malays" happy thinking that they have had a glorious past.

They don't. Their history isn't worth mentioning. You would never find a mention of malays or Malaysia or Tanah Melayu in most books of world history while entire chapters are devoted to the history of China and India.

The discriminative constitution and law of Malaysia is just a recognition of this fact. The malay leaders and to every single malay knows that on a level playing field, the malays will never be able to compete with the Chinese and Indians.

This country was all along a land for Orang Asli. The Chinese originated from China, Indians originated from India, malays originated from Indonesia etc. China get to give priority to the Chinese, India get to give priority to the Indians, and the malays are just freeloading from the Orang Asli land by claming it is bumi land.

This is because they are doing what Allah said……….Allah told malays to come from Indonesia and steal the land from Orang Asli and use Orang Asli as slaves. So when is Malaysia giving priority to Orang Asli?

The only time Malaysia is not a racist country is when an Orang Asli becomes the prime minister of Malaysia - which is never - it is a genocide in the name of Allah!

Malays have done wonders in terms of denying truth, while doing so, through policies of government raked in ill wealth for years. Malays are rich, I mean really rich.

Malays had certain qualities that other races in this country do not, but I must emphasise "had". Qualities such as "speaking less", contended, know how to read and understand the holy Quran (I know that nowadays Muslim kids spent 10 years of religious classes in school and end up not knowing).

But all done and said, the day malays deny their past, is the beginning of their end. Malays were Hindus once, as was the whole South East Asia, later some South East Asia went for Buddhism while the others went for Islam.

Who taught South East Asia races to plant paddy in a systematic manner? Who taught South East Asia races language skills, reading and writing?

The very essence of everything that South East Asia races are based on till today was taught by Tamils. Don't you guys notice that South East Asia races have similar writing codes, that are because it is based on Tamil. It even sounds like Tamil.

For peninsula: Tamils called the local inhabitants as "malai allu", basically means "people who dwell in the hills", this would mean Orang Asli, for they dwell in the hills, what is known as malays today was non-existent.

As malays are well known to do, they incorporated this term "malai" whence they started to land in the peninsula from Nusantara, and claimed the term "malai" as their own. This race has this peculiar trait of claiming that which is not theirs.

Deny this, and you deny your past, anyone who denies his past, denies his future. Malays……….be my guest.

Guess who is the master race? The master race doesn't doing some weird policy (NEP), or go around brandishing some knife, which if you really put some thinking into it, put the race on a sure path to beggary.

The reason why I commented as above is because I want malays to know that they are not tuan punya tanah.

For myself, as a Tamil, I will state what my forbearers have done centuries before, the truth is, no one owns this land, this land is owned only by - the one and only one - God.

This soil needs administration, not ownership. Accept that.

It is a sad story for both Sabah and Sarawak for joining Malaysia. Just look at Brunei and Singapore to see the answer.

Sabah and Sarawak is being raped by Malaya till dry, all the oil and timber from the two states is being used to finance all the failed projects and also to feed all the Umno zealots.

Ask the Iban and Kandazan, they are being marginalized. Now the government even want to make the country into an Islamic state, did Sabah and Sarawak agree to join an Islamic state in the first place?

September 16 is a day for mourning, a day of shame for Malaysia.

For Royal Professor Ungku Aziz to say that there was no social contract between the founding fathers of our nation, this has put a nail in the coffin on those ultra-malays who still see Ketuanan Melayu as a cornerstone for race relationships in this country.

While other matured and well-developed nations have put to rest the 'master and slave' relationship among the various races, it baffles the mind of thinking people why should such policy still remain relevant in this 21st century here in Malaysia. We might call our British colonial masters 'Sir' or 'Tuan' in the early days but after half-a-century of independence, don't you think that such thinking is out of date?

Mind you, the United States who imported Negros from Africa a few centuries ago to be the white man's slave might have a black man to be their next president if Obama wins the ticket to the White House in the coming US presidential elections.

Malay rights have been ensconced in the federal constitution and cannot be taken away unless by a two-thirds majority in parliament subject to the malay rulers approval. No one doubts that in the early days, the bumis especially the malays, needed affirmative actions to take them out of their cycle of poverty to be on par with other races, especially the Chinese.

But the NEP has outlived it purpose and it should be replaced with a new policy which will eradicate poverty regardless of creed and race.

The playing field should be more even and let the best among the best compete among themselves in order for our nation to progress in the future. Why should rich malays with their 'right political connections' obtain a big slice of the economic cake while the poor people are denied such opportunities to get them out of their cycle of poverty?

To be a respected race, the malays must discard the notion that the government will always have to provide them with opportunities in studies and business as if it was their birth right. The malays should be able to compete with the other races on an equal footing and work hard to improve their lot rather than expecting handouts from the government.

Ungku Aziz, a towering malay whose intellectual thinking is way ahead of his time, has opened a Pandora Box's with his outright statement that there is no written 'social contract' among the various races prior to independence. Umno politicians will now cry foul about his daring statement as they will always use the Ketuanan Melayu bogey to win the hearts and minds of the malays to support their cause. .

But the malays cannot be in a denial mode anymore. We must accept the fact that in the brave new world that we live in where people and capital move to places where no restrictions are imposed, the old way of doing business by having quota systems will drive capital away from our country and the people will suffer in the end if business opportunities pass our shores.

The malays should look at their Singapore brethren who are no less the worse although unlike their Malaysian cousins, they does not have any NEP policy to get a leg up in society. There is no short cut for success unless you work hard for it.

I am currently studying in the Australia, I grew up with the slogan "Malaysia Truly Asia" - however, this is not true, it seems more like "Australia Truly Asia" and let me explain why I think so - when I first landed here, I saw a multi-cultural society consisting of people from various ethnic backgrounds.

It doesn't even matter if the person has landed on the moon, you will only be awarded if you can prove that you deserve it. Your well being here depends on who you are (your personality), and what you can contribute!

Unlike Malaysia, where opportunities are given to the malays, regardless of what they are worth of. Shame! As a Malaysia citizen myself, I am ashamed to tell fellow Australia citizens that I am from Malaysia, because they all know that people like malays are given privileges.

The malays have no pride in themselves and that is why they will never ever be able to compete on a level playing field. There is so much discrimination among the other races that there is no sense of pride whatsoever in being a Malaysian.

Your eyes are open now because you are in the Australia. That is the difference between a developed country and a third world dump!

Part 1 - The origin of pendatang:

· Malays - come from Indonesia and Yunnan.
· Chinese - come from China.
· Indians - come from India.

Part 2 - Why they come to Malaysia:

· Malays - easy life, food aplenty around those days, like fish from the river etc.
· Chinese - looking for a living.
· Indians - looking for a living and goes back.

Part 3 - Pendatang's attitude:

· Malays - the words 'relax la', 'bantuan kerajaan' and 'cukup makan' are their daily words.
· Chinese - work, work and work but also spend.
· Indians - work, earn and save but spend little.

Looking at the mindsets of various pendatang. You tell me is it possible to be one Bangsa Malaysia? Never! For oil will never mix with water.

If you tell the Chinese to close down Chinese schools, the children will not taught to be hardworking anymore, so they become lazy and can they ask for bantuan kerajaan?

No! Right? So let the Chinese have more Chinese schools to teach the principle of hardworking, integrity, trustworthy etc, thus others can get more shares.

Those days the government control the Chinese schools is because of communist. Now where got communist again? Bodoh!

The truth is Chinese inject entrepreneurial and economic progress in South East Asia. If the Chinese left Malaysia, your economy would be on the verge of collapse and will become little more than a backwater hellhole.

There are very simple reasons why Chinese do not fully assimilate into malay society. It is because the malay people are very hostile and disrespectful to the Chinese. It is well ingrained in their society, this anti-Chinese sentiment.

Also, given this hostility, why should Chinese integrate with your society? Let me tell you, it is a very simple reason. Unlike primitive tribesmen minorities in your territories, our civilization and culture is actually far superior than your malay culture.

We are the inheritors of one of the greatest civilizations in human history. Why do we want to downgrade our cultural knowledge and perception, and accept a backward and undeveloped primitive culture?

You Malaysians, Filipinos and Indonesians need to learn from the example of the Thais. They are friendly to Chinese and many Thai Chinese are very integrated and are loyal to Thailand. However, they also have links to China and bring the two countries closer.

Hence, China and Thailand enjoy very strong relations and all of this bodes well for Thailand economically and politically. It is no wonder Thailand has experienced a great deal of economic progress.

Too, I lived in Malaysia before and let me tell you that Malaysia is not rich. The government owes a lot of money to Japan and other countries. The nation is corrupted! In outside look, you think Malaysia is rich but the truth is Malaysia is very poor. A lot of projects have been cancelled such as new airport in Kuching, and etc.

Indeed right, in Malaysia the malays are like shit. They disrespect the Chinese. And you want to know why the malay government has money? It is because the tax! Chinese pay high tax to the malay government where the malay government even use quota control!

The malays given of special treatment, the government give money to the malays because without this, the malays will have nothing! We Chinese in Malaysia depend on ourselves! We earn money on ourselves!

The Chinese in Malaysia is dropping rapidly, one day and one day will come, when the malays don't like Chinese and riot, then we Chinese move away and hahaha! Malaysia will become like Indonesia!

Now look at your Indonesia, last time when Chinese there, the government can be rich. Now when Chinese gone - your country like shit! Hahaha! This is dream funny!

Ah……….the history lessons begin again.

As much as the malays do not like the "Orang Putih". These "Orang Putih" built infrastructures and schools for Malaysia. Yes, they did have an economic agenda, but on the whole, it is believed that they did more good than harm.

Now, please read "Melayu Journal" published by Dewan Bahasa Pustaka 2005. It clearly states that the "contract" which you speak so lovingly of, was issued only for a duration of 15 years.

It was tagged under the NEP. Since the NEP failed miserably, it was "extended" under a new name called the NVP. When that failed too, it has once again been "extended" under the new name of the NDP. In a nutshell, it has failed for 50 years.

Don't the malays smell something amiss here? Put in perspective, our Malaysia government has publicly announced to the world, that despite targeted government aid for half a century, the malays are so hopeless, stupid and useless that they still cannot fend for themselves.

Think hard not with emotion, but look at the fact. This fact is very very embarrassing for Malaysia. As it says that the malays are not able to succeed despite being given aid for half a century.

Back to more serious business: The NEP, NVP and NDP or by whatever name you call it tomorrow. So for 50 years, it has "dished out" money to the malays. Realistically, how many of you received that money?

Except for the elite few who sit on the "high and mighty" seats of the government. And that is why, to continue to receive that "special bumi aid" money, they have to insist that there is racial tension in the country. In fact, they promote it by virtue of fact that "race-based organizations" still exist till today.

The Orang Asli also fall into the bumi category. They arrived here 60000 years ago (mind you, the first Indonesian arrival was only 3000 years ago).

Jabatan Orang Asli has been "actively" helping them for the past 50 years. They still live in the jungle. Where I may ask, has that allocated money gone to? Many proponents have insisted that Jabatan Orang Asli has been "helping themselves" instead.

Go to any Orang Asli settlement and see it for yourself.

Your money. Take it back. Or forever live like paupers.

Malaysia is slowly and surely turning into a very sick place. We must finish off Umno and its cronies to cure the country from this acute sickness.

Anonymous said...

I feel I am not very comfortable with Indonesia. The government, when think of it, it is also quite funny.

First, they don't want Chinese to be in their country. Good, kill Chinese and get them out of the country. After when they are no Chinese in Indonesia, now look at the country - A junk country. Useless currency, the country is overpopulated with uneducated peoples.

No more Chinese in Indonesia mean no one do business there. Because 70% of the economy are control by Chinese. In addition, majority of the companies are own and run by Chinese.

And you? You are just a person filled with racial jealousy. Proof? Why should we prove anything to you? We are a prosperous and rich race, I couldn't care less if dirt crawler like you don't believe it. Back to the hole you came from!

Malay, you are in denial. You want evidence? Just open your eyes and see! All around you, in China, in Indonesia, in the TV, on the street, everywhere! Chinese are superior money makers!

Ha……….it is not about boosting our ego. I mean why would we have to? We have so much to be proud of already. It is a matter of truth.

I am sorry if you can't take the reality that malays aren't the ones who control a good amount of economy in South-East Asia. But it is not like you don't have anything to be proud of.

I am not thinking that our race is the best. I am talking the truth. Look at Indonesia before the riot, the country is stable and well. But after they have thrown all the Chinese away, the country has fallen. And lots of poor peoples there. The logic is already able to tell you.

Hahaha! Despite living in Malaysia, I already have second home in Perth. Why should I must live in Malaysia! What a fool!

I will pay loyalty to Australia. Why should I pay my loyalty to country like Malaysia which only care about their own ass malays? Where Chinese are treated as second class citizens there!

Why should I care about your people, and also I don't care about your people anymore. Because I am spending more time live at Australia. One day you will see your country become a second Iraq and collapse. You will see the time will come.

Malay, stop your stupid thinking. The truth is the truth. One more thing, you make the laugh when I think of, you can't even compete with the Chinese! Most Chinese think that your kind is crook. If you know where what I mean.

Your anti Chinese thinking will never improve your people. You should look into yourself before you insult other races.

You can't even compete with the Chinese, my friend. We are everywhere. Doing business, earning money. Anti Chinese is always anti China. Every word is against the China. Even China become superpower, you will find something to say China is bad. Ha!

It is extremely unwise for a Chinese to flaunt his wealth in Indonesia. He should have kept quiet about his wealth and stash away his money in a hidden Swiss Bank account.

A country is poor because of its own faults, don't blame others. China was extremely poor until the 1980s when it decided to drop its arrogant ideal and open its economy.

For example, if you want to be rich. What are you going to do? Of course, think logic and hard working. That is how a businessman will success. Don't blame anyone else if you are poor. Blame yourself for not smarter enough and work harder to be rich.

This is different - Chinese success in Indonesia, where the malays start killing Chinese is because of jealousy. And Indonesians should stop blaming Chinese for monopolizing the economy, because Indonesians themselves are quite lazy compared with ethnic Chinese.

What do you expect, his Indonesia homeland is weak and the peoples are poor. His culture stays in the bottom of the world. Maybe he should look into himself before commenting other races. What a shame!

But come on, Chinese culture is obviously superior to those countries in South-East Asia such as the Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines.

China has had an ancient civilization and a long commercial tradition. It is no coincidence that Chinese have uniformly dominated the economies of this region for so long. It is a cultural difference, not a racial one.

If Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines adopt Chinese culture and become Chinese way, they would be just as successfully. It is a matter of cultural values and a certain worldview.


Indonesia is a very corrupted country. Honestly, the people there are not educated at all. In addition, they don't know what is the important of Chinese there.

They hate Chinese is because Chinese do business well and have a well-planned future. We earn money with our own hand. Therefore, that is why we have a better live than the so called native malays.

Like Chinese always said, if you want to have a better live than you must use your own hand to earn it. You cannot just sit at home and waiting for the money drop from the sky. Think logic!

Why did the Chinese wanted to stay in Indonesia? Because we are not stupid, that is why. They do business in Indonesia is because; they can easily earn more money there. The competitors are also less there. If you try to visit every country in this world even Africa, you will always the existent of Chinese there. As a Chinese proverb said, as long there is water in that country, we will sail to that country.

You can't let Chinese alone because of your extreme jealousy, it is your evil-mindedness that causes malays to have such a bad reputation, not because of Chinese bad mouthing you.

There are no malays that are naturally rich, they got rich because of the bribes they received from Chinese (not proud saying that, but need to bribe for survival). Most malays that are rich have political positions, governs commerce/trade that Chinese need to get through to.

Chinese Indonesians comprised of only 5% of the total population, and yet we control Indonesia economy entirely. That is fact.

I must add however, not all Chinese are rich, there are many also that are less than middle-class, they own food stands on the street, they run small shops, etc. But all managed to live a very decent life.

Where are you living now? If you are still in Indonesia/Malaysia, take the chance and earn as more money there. With the lack of competition there, business can be easily built up. Earn as much money as you can. When it is enough, take all the money out of that Indonesia. Close the business, and start a new live in another better place.

Move to somewhere like Australia. Forget about Indonesia. That country is useless. Junk malays are stuck there. The reason they riot because they are stupid! They jealous of what the Chinese have.

I am happy to hear that you are in oversea next. Indonesia is not your home, your real home is in China. Indonesia treats Chinese badly, so as a Chinese we must think smart. Since that Chinese only have 3 to 5% in Indonesia, we shall not continue to live there and fight. We cannot fight them because they control the armies as well the government.

We should think smart, we have the brains. Earn as more money as we can and when it is enough like 1 to 10 million, take all of them and move to other country. This is call smart, try to imagine when each person get 1 million out of Indonesia, and the country will collapse badly. And I mean it very badly.

Sometime it is quite funny when all the rich Chinese move their money out of Indonesia, and the country collapse right away.

The truth is the truth, don't try to make stupid articles and insult Chinese how weak Chinese is.

You malays people are lazy. You will never be like us Chinese, we are far more superior than you all combined. We even dominated this earth and you are just guests here, you malays don't belong in Asia, but China for Asia. Malays are just islanders. Give us time and soon we will conquer your puny little islands just to throw our garbage and waste.


You malays don't like it? You leave! We are going to stay! We like it here! Who gives you the right to tell us what to do?

They just jealous because they are lose in economical race. I can understand that. If immigrants more rich than malays, then malays will be jealous like hell. It happens everywhere. If Chinese poor - I am sure malays never become racists but Chinese never made to be poor. We are made to be winners and sorry to the losers who become racists after that.

Malays never beat Chinese in economy even until end of the world - their destiny is to become slaves.

Why we live in your country because it is easier to earn money there - because your peoples have no brains that is why there are no competitive.

We are not scare at you my friend, lots of Chinese already move to other country such as Australia, Singapore or US. We have the money, we can go everywhere we like even going back to China!

God damn, you are really a fool. Why Chinese are everywhere? Here, let me tell you why. In China, it is hard to earn money because the competitive is extremely high. Where in country like Malaysia, there are no competitive at all - the reason is simple, you malays doesn't know how to do business and earn cash, so all the opportunity goes to the Chinese.

You have brain and you malays are well educated? And want to make Malaysia better? Why Malaysia still likes that? Corrupted, useless, weak junk country! The currency is useless, economy like shit! Think fools!

Thanks to Malaysia? Hahaha! And you said become rich because of Malaysia? No, Chinese become rich because we are hardworking and smart! Fools you! Chinese go everywhere also can live, in Australia, US, and all over the world. Go traveling around and see if you can find any malay! Hahaha!

Become smart because education in Malaysia? Dream! Think smart! Your education system is lousy, suck, useless! The standard is low! Find prove stupid!

Heart? Where is our heart? You malays don't like Chinese, why do Chinese have to pay our heart to Malaysia?

Point the finger to yourself. What a big stupid malay fool dumbass.

Also, visit your brother Indonesia, and you can see all the companies and shops are operated by Chinese. We also conquer your brother economy, fools! Hahaha……….what a joke! Indonesia!

Let us face it. You don't want Chinese to get out of Malaysia. Because if they did, Malaysia would never develop. They would also bring a great deal of financial wealth and investments with them too.

Note Malaysia is doing well. It certainly isn't because of the malays.

And Thailand which is another prosperous South-East Asia nation. It also has a large Chinese population and a national culture that is welcoming towards Chinese. At least they have a leader on the South-East Asia knows of how to treat Chinese. It is no wonder that Thailand is on the verge of being a developed nation.


The truth is Chinese inject entrepreneurial and economic progress in South East Asia. If the Chinese left Malaysia, your economy would be on the verge of collapse and will become little more than a backwater hellhole.

There are very simple reasons why Chinese do not fully assimilate into malay society. It is because the malay people are very hostile and disrespectful to the Chinese. It is well ingrained in their society, this anti-Chinese sentiment.

Also, given this hostility, why should Chinese integrate with your society? Let me tell you, it is a very simple reason. Unlike primitive tribesmen minorities in your territories, our civilization and culture is actually far superior than your malay culture.

We are the inheritors of one of the greatest civilizations in human history. Why do we want to downgrade our cultural knowledge and perception, and accept a backward and undeveloped primitive culture?

You Malaysians, Filipinos and Indonesians need to learn from the example of the Thais. They are friendly to Chinese and many Thai Chinese are very integrated and are loyal to Thailand. However, they also have links to China and bring the two countries closer.

Hence, China and Thailand enjoy very strong relations and all of this bodes well for Thailand economically and politically. It is no wonder Thailand has experienced a great deal of economic progress.

Too, I lived in Malaysia before and let me tell you that Malaysia is not rich. The government owes a lot of money to Japan and other countries. The nation is corrupted! In outside look, you think Malaysia is rich but the truth is Malaysia is very poor. A lot of projects have been cancelled such as new airport in Kuching, and etc.

Indeed right, in Malaysia the malays are like shit. They disrespect the Chinese. And you want to know why the malay government has money? It is because the tax! Chinese pay high tax to the malay government where the malay government even use quota control!

The malays given of special treatment, the government give money to the malays because without this, the malays will have nothing! We Chinese in Malaysia depend on ourselves! We earn money on ourselves!

The Chinese in Malaysia is dropping rapidly, one day and one day will come, when the malays don't like Chinese and riot, then we Chinese move away and hahaha! Malaysia will become like Indonesia!

Now look at your Indonesia, last time when Chinese there, the government can be rich. Now when Chinese gone - your country like shit! Hahaha! This is dream funny!


The reason is to help malays so that they can be at par with other races. They get all this sorts of privileges and advantages that in the end it all goes down to drain just like that. Scholarships, 7% discount on properties purchase, matriculations, Mara and the list just goes on.

Well, I did agree at first with this. But hang on, 2007-1957 is 50 years and that is like 2 generations of human beings……….what happen now? Are they at the same level with other races? In a way yes, but every way is no. I do not think so.

Malays take all these advantages as their rights and not as a stepping-stone for them to move forward. The question is how long more do they need the government to support and feed their mouth?

If you ask me that, I'd say that they need not even a single second more for all the privileges that they have. 50 years is more than enough for them to realize that they need to change.

Can someone please tell me which race in Malaysia that top the chart in drug addiction? Can someone please tell me which race in Malaysia that is in the 'deans list' for raping, illegal racing and gangsterism?

If that is what the privileges do to them, perhaps we should give them more privileges so the malays who do that will just extinct in this world leaving only the 'enlightened' one.

While the malays are 'bestowed' with all the privileges, other races are working hard to change their fate themselves, realising that the government places a greater emphasis only on malays. I have seen this and I speak from experiences.

While the non-malays are working hard, the malays are lazing around because they know that government will back them up. Well, which one do you think will excel more? The one that has no advantages but work hard or the one that has all the advantages but do nothing?

I did not say that they are all like that. Some do take full use of the advantages and they really excel. As a malay, I guess that they need to learn the hard way like other races do. Give them what they deserve or distributed the resources equally.

Am I one of them? I guess I compete fairly in my study. I refuse to go to boarding school when I get the offer and I am thankful for that. Boarding school only narrows your scope of thinking because you are just interacting with the malays.

I wholeheartedly agree with the real meritocracy effort by the government. Learn the hard way man! Feel free to share them with your friends (however be careful) and am willing to opine more.

I believe it is possible to get your message across without having to resort to name-calling. Let us not be racist for the sake of Malaysia and its people, no matter how much we resent some of the government policies that have impacted our lives.


The basis of how the Malaysia government works is based on the NEP, a highly flawed and self destructive (to most) system. We are citizens of a flawed system. There must be something wrong for those of us who grew up and indoctrinated on low class mentality.

The crutches mentality and NEP have simply permeated too much of civil servants and the government.

Face it, too many people managing public education in this country have feudal mindset. Next to the police, the public education establishment is probably the most opaque and unaccountable.

We have principals and teachers who make shocking on decisions in schools on their own. We have administrators who make bad decisions on programs, schools, syllabus, teachers, etc.

Before we get a first class university, we need to get first class students from quality schools. Sadly most of the good schools have been decimated by who have become more engrossed with 'tudung' fashion than the quality of teaching.

Face it, there are many in the government that see education and skills the way they see government contracts - they need to limit the other races from it and to monopolize it. It is very much parcel and part of 'ketuanan' idea.

Their greatest fear is that non-malays would take what is available and run far ahead of them. In other words, if they can't have it their way, no one should get any either. It is better to spoil the game then let someone else win the game.

As long as those elements of the NEP inside higher education policy, don't ever dream on having first class universities. Second class is also out of our reach. Third class……….yes! This is what we are having now. Look at our local graduates that being churned out from these third class universities.

The frequent flooding is just one sign of all that has gone rotten in Malaysia.

Seems like none posters have confidence and hope at all on the government and the policy they implement. Any move they make is just to benefit their members and bringing down Malaysia to the knee and suffered its citizens.

I think the posters have no hope because we believe with the affirmative action and NEP to the majority favouring certain 'upper' class - there will be no prosperity for Malaysia regardless of the illusion they throw at us.

The grievances expressed here are tips for the government to reflect on the issues and to improve on its administration. It is free advice. We do it as if we are happy, or have no choice, but to let BN to continue to be in power forever.

I grew up in small town when I was a kid and that was the best part of my life but this corrupt system has to be stopped somehow. Even if they are not money corrupt, the system is ideologically corrupt and unsound.

It is just spinning on a vicious cycle. I don't see Pak Lah breaking that cycle. In fact, he is playing into it.


To get ahead in the world today, China has taken steps to encourage its citizens to master English and the Chinese are taking it like fish to water. Likewise, the Americans have no choice but to master Mandarin.

Bill Gates and Steven Jobs have already said that the first wave of the Internet language is almost over, i.e. English. It is time to prepare for the second wave, Mandarin.

And what do we have here? Still hanging on to the notion that Bahasa Melayu is the lingua franca of the world even as events are unfolding before their very eyes that thousands upon thousands of graduates could not get employed because of their inability to grasp the English language.

Where is the pragmatism for change? Even the hardcore communists like the Chinese have to finally gave in, swallow their pride and do what is best for the nation. Today, they call the shots and America has to kowtow to them. China does not need a military adventure but an economic one will do just fine. From the looks of it, our people here will never go for a change. The mathematics and science in English is nothing more than a cosmetic change.

It is a funny world we live in. The Americans and British are falling over each other to master Mandarin, and the Chinese are learning English at a rapid pace. And here what are we doing? Learning our Bahasa Melayu. Good luck Malaysians. Won't be long we will all be left behind.

Our politicians think there is something to gain from making racial and religious statements at the great expense of Malaysia and its ordinary people.

Sadly, they are right and have been very successful to achieve their narrow, personal and selfish aims. Enormous damage has been done to the social cohesion and development and progress of the country. It is so sorry to see them lagging further and further behind as a result of their inferiority complex. It is more sorry to see that they can trade the future of this country with their inferiority complex.

What is their definition of integrity? What is morality? What is patriotism? What is……….

Generations have been brought up with this totally unacceptable and unhealthy environment. It would take generations to heal and resolve this damage.

This bumi/non-bumi dichotomy is a well-entrenched policy which is here to stay for a long long time and eventually lead the country to ruin.

Face it, the easy part of it can be done is removing the legal discrimination, the damage is so overdone now, it may take forever to change the cultural discrimination that has been infused.

Having said that, money has to be spent on education. Only with world-class education and grasp of the global world can we have better ties with other countries. This will invariably lead to a robust knowledge based economy and more business opportunities.


Prices of raw materials are rising, steel, solvent, plastic, etc, etc. Productivity is low, managers are quick in spending and slow in earning. Collection is slow and economy is sluggish. Interest rising and overall margin is down.

With employees especially the field personnel carrying company laptops surfing the net for songs and chatting with friends with hours stolen from the office. Children are chalking up more digits on cell-phone bill coupled with their increasing pocket money spent at coffee café for more talks.

Things are not looking good. Older generation like us have to work harder to support such phenomena.

Our academics must avoid corrupting habits of mind which finds reprehensible: Nothing in my view is more reprehensible than those habits of mind in the intellectual that induce avoidance, that characteristic turning away from a difficult and principled position which you know to be the right one, but which you decide not to take……….

Yes, in Malaysia we have cultivated a habit/mentality of 'avoid'.

We avoid work (seminars, privileges, meetings, committees, etc, etc, so we can skip from work),

we avoid taking prompt and appropriate action (waiting for inspiration to make simple decisions, setting up of commission this and commission that, and even avoid implementing recommendations tabled),

we avoid looking ourselves in the mirror and eventually we become ugly Malaysians,

we avoid going through the learning curve to hone our skills (sub-sub-sub out the jobs so we can be rent seekers and the guys whom we sub to, can also be a sub rent seekers),

we avoid confrontation and debate (OSA, ISA, etc, etc),

we avoid competition (special quota, special assistance, NEP, negotiated contract, etc, etc),

we also avoid being criticized for we are quick to penalized, with this we short ourselves from learning from mistakes and our weaknesses so necessary, for our improvement and progress in life.

I am a firm believer in psycho-cybernetics. I am not sure if the local media give any highlights to story like that which is much needed in our schools and universities to inspire and motivate the young to appreciate self reliance.

It is sad that the local media often splash and spin stories on mediocre achievements. In today global world, superb achievements by citizenry from other countries are readily available especially over the Internet.

Excessive rewards and blowing of the horn over mediocre achievement continue to flood the minds of our young into believing that, in Malaysia mediocre achievement is good enough and we are exempted from the higher standards from the rest of the world.

I am not sure how many Malaysians have emerged from their background of poverty to succeed in this world. One thing for sure, these people do not use poverty as an excuse not to put in an honest day hard work.


Singapore's fervent drive for efficiency especially their pressure cooker education system produces highly efficient straightjacket bureaucrats. The result is declining entrepreneurial talents. Their government is aware of it.

Fortunately, they can depend on their backwater Malaysia for such talents. It has been proven that the suppressed and oppressed citizenry would most likely to highly productive and emerges entrepreneurial.

So Malaysia is efficiently producing such 'bi-products' to fuel the Singapore fast pace economy. Our discarded 'bi-products', Singapore converts them into jewels, converts the wastewater into drinkable water.

As for politicians, they say that most cultured (educated) peoples and academicians are too polite to be politicians. Exactly that. It is because the righteously cultured and responsible people are too good to be politicians that we abdicate our social responsibilities to safeguard a civil society.

What we vacated, the shameless ones aptly take over and run the country like their own merry land contrary to what a civil society should be. That is the result of our choice. So we now should shut up, and allow them deliver OSA, ISA, etc, etc, upon us. If we allow monkeys to look after our bananas, it is not the monkeys that are at fault when the bananas are gone, it is us.

Politics and politicking rob the country of productivity although we have to admit that it is also the necessary evil. I am no fan of Lee Kuan Yew, but from my prospective, he has done Singapore good by reducing politics and politicking in the Island and concentrates the people into economic activities.

In Malaysia we do the opposite, tremendous amount of resource and energy are expended in political activities using all sorts of excuse like ethnicity, economy, class and religion to score political points.

Umno and the BN is a humungous resource gulper depleting the nation's treasure chest. Spinning out of control, the BN and in particular Umno has created monstrous GLCs in the way of more productive and efficient private companies.

Economy is basically making the citizenry productive. Like the king that levied astronomical taxes on its subjects eventfully have nothing to tax because the taxes became so burdensome that stifles productivity and eventually there is nothing for the king to tax. The robbing has to stop. The cake is shrinking. Pretty soon our politicking would be reduced to fighting for the crumbs.

Having said that, my concern is whether our education system will allow for independent, critical and creative thinking. As I see it today, our education system is rigid and promotes rote learning and conformity.

The output of our education system (our local graduates) pretty much answers concern above. Not only I think our young should be exposed to as many varied and diversified fields as possible they should also be exposed to different perspectives even for the same field of studies. The coconut shell should not be known as the sky!

It is such a common exhortations in management that we should have a 'helicopter views' of things. With so many limiting impositions on our local university especially the racial policies and the politic connections which caused racial segregation, there is a danger of grotesque offspring of in breeding.

Let us remove the coconut shell such that we can look in top down from the 'helicopter views' and the ones inside the shell now can experience the exhilarating atmosphere of the outside world. Open sesame to a new wide worldview.


Anonymous said...
