Friday, January 22, 2010


THE Sultan Iskandar ibni Almarhum Sultan Ismail, the Sultan of Johor, is reported to have died on Friday night after being admitted to hospital earlier for an illness.

The Tunku Mahkota of Johor, Tunku Ibrahim Ismail, 51, was appointed the Regent of Johor after his father, Sultan Ismail, was admitted to the Puteri Specialist Hospital.

THE Tunku Mahkota of Johor, Tunku Ibrahim Ismail, 51, who was appointed the Regent of Johor on Friday, is a man of many talents with the people's interests at heart.

His concern for the people was inherited from his father, the Sultan of Johor, Sultan Iskandar ibni Almarhum Sultan Ismail, who was hospitalised on Friday for illness.

People find this eldest son of Sultan Iskandar, who is academically qualified and has a long line of achievements, to be most approachable.

Fondly referred to as TMJ (Tengku Mahkota Johor), Tunku Ibrahim is synonymous with the 'Kembara Mahkota Johor', an annual royal motorcycle tour programme he initiated in 2001, which is founded on social activities.

The annual convoy of superbikes takes the regent as well as other dignatories, including the menteri besar and state officers, to all the eight districts of the state where they engage in various welfare projects. -- BERNAMA

Profile of Tunku Ibrahim

TUNKU Ibrahim received his religious education at the Sekolah Agama Bukit Zaharah and Sekolah Agama Air Molek in Johor Baharu.

After completing his secondary education, Tunku Ibrahim was sent to the army training centre in Kota Tinggi where he received basic military training for three months.

He was also sent to Fort Bening, Georgia, in the United States to acquire more military knowledge. He also attended military training in Fort Bragg, USA.

On his return to Malaysia, Tunku Ibrahim was appointed the deputy commander of the Johor Military Force. Tunku Ibrahim also attended helicopter training at the Kluang military base where he earned his wings. He also attended a two-month training stint with the Royal Malaysian Navy.

The regent is a keen sportsman, excelling in polo which has taken him to international competitions abroad, such as Singapore, the Philippines and Brunei.

He is also a tennis player, windsurfer, shooter and motoring enthusiast.

'The Council of the Royal Court hereby decided under Clause 9(1)(b) and 9(2) First Section of the Johor State Constitution 1895, after receiving the medical report from three medical specialists, to appoint Duli Yang Amat Mulia Tunku Ibrahim Ismail ibni Sultan Iskandar, Tunku Mahkota Johor as the Regent today to carry out the duty of the Ruler during the illness of Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Iskandar,' Tunku Osman Tunku Temenggong Ahmad, the Head of the Johor Council of the Royal Court, announced at the Istana Besar Johor Baru earlier on Friday afternoon.

The appoinment of Tunku Ibrahim Ismail as Regent was attended by the state executive councillors.

For the eldest son of the Sultan of Johor, this is not the first time that he has been appointed the Regent. The first time he was appointed to the post was on April 25, 1984 when Sultan Iskandar was appointed the eighth Yang Di-Pertuan Agong. Tunku Ibrahim Ismail, 51, was installed as the Tunku Mahkota of Johor on July 3, 1981 at the age of 22.

Tunku Ibrahim is married to Raja Zarith Sofiah Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah and they have five sons and two daughters.


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